Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quite Simple

What's up! OOOH! I got some great news to share with you since the last time I blogged... I graduated!! No for real, I have been in this program since 2005 and on Saturday, May 8th at 2:30pm at IU Alumni Hall I graduated from SPEA's Master of Public Affairs Program! Can you tell I am excited?!

Today I asked JESUS two simple questions:

1st question: JESUS do you have all of my answers? His answer: No response, no response because I didn't know if he really could have all of my answers.

2nd question: JESUS, do you have all the answers? His answer: Yes.

So I started thinking, JESUS has all of the answers, what does that mean? Or more importantly, what does that mean to me? Then I started thinking about things that I needed answers to and I placed the thought that JESUS has all the answers in those deep ponderings in my heart and then HE answered the 1st question. He said: I AM!

I was like wow, GOD, you are the I AM in my life? It just hit me, everything I need HE is!

He is so faithful and he does answer before we call. When our ways please the LORD, he makes even our enemies to be at peace with us! He is faithful!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Apart of Our Spiritual Inheritance!

What's upper!

So I've had a lot of things on my heart that I've wanted to blog about but this is really the thing that has been the most prevalent thought on my mind and I feel a need to share.

Today my mind was going on and on about different changes I've been wanting to make and the best way to start the process. After attending a gathering after work, I decided to read a passage of scripture to get some peace within my thoughts about my changes and find a nugget to help me strategize my process. While it was good, I knew there was something I was missing. (Have you ever been there?) Ok, so I decided enough with the rambling in my mind, I'm going to rest in the LORD!

I decided to be completely quite for about 3 minutes and just tune in to JESUS's voice. Once I did, boy, did those thoughts subside. The LORD spoke to me something simple but very profound and this reminded me about some scriptures I've been meditating on concerning our spiritual inheritance. The LORD reminded me that the things that I so longed to have in my past, whole family relationships, etc, etc, etc.... He's given me in my relationships with my spiritual parents, my friends, the community of believers I am surrounded in and my future spouse. After I heard Him say that I felt shocked and amazed. I am amazed at how much He values where I am, the physical place and the spiritual place (blew my mind!), and I was shocked at how deeply He values my connection to a body of believers: the Body of Christ. Then it dawned on me that this is a part of our spiritual inheritance. GOD is a restorer, and apart of our inheritance is restoration and reformation. He restores us back to a right relationship with HIM first and most importantly, and He reforms every aspect of our life into HIS image and the image of HIS kingdom (unity amongst believers). I am so ready to come more fully into my spiritual inheritance! Start taking part in your's today!

Love ya!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm Thankful!


I am thankful! I am thankful for Holy Ghost friends that will just be themselves, lovers of GOD, and encourage you to a place of victory. Today was a good day but inside I really needed a boost. I had a lot of things on my heart and often if things are on my heart, I am wanting them to be answered by GOD! Well HE answered them tonight through a friend. I don't think my friend knew what she was doing but thank GOD that our hearts know what we need, even when we don't verbalize it. In anycase, Praise GOD for Holy Ghost Friends. Where would I be without them?!!

Today, I decided to be thankful because I recognize that GOD is with me. The events that have happened in my life within the last two - three weeks have really bought to surface some fears I have been facing. I've been waiting for JESUS to respond to me in this idealistic way but all alone HE's been there and HE's been saying, everything is going to be ok. Ok and let me add, like HE's been like really happy about it, as if HE has something up HIS sleeve (HE's my Sneaky JESUS)!! But today it dawned on me that things are better than what I sometimes make of them. JESUS has made some changes in my life that I've been asking about and I am so thankful. He's even encouraged me to believe for some of the other changes that I thought was impossible through this scripture: Psalm 114: 7-8

v.7 : Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the LORD, At the presence of the GOD of Jacob,
v.8: Who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint nito a fountain of water.

v.8 tore me up because, why did the LORD take one substance and make it something else. With this, GOD revealed to me that HE has the power and ability to take the things in my life that look like one thing and make it something completely different. That is the power of HIS Transformation! It truly is amazing!

My motive is to leave the past behind me this year (and forever), and honestly in my heart, it was hard to see past it today. I do have faith in my spirit that everything is going to be okay! Hallelujah!! I am so excited to see how the LORD is going to work and move this year! Thank GOD that HE is the LORD of the Breakthrough!

Love ya!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Rest Well Worth It!

Hey there,

I am so excited today! Ok for the last two weeks, I've been working on some research and it is due very soon. Today I had a meeting to discuss the research and it went very well. So today, after several days, I actually was able to come home and do whatever it was I wanted to do. Yay!!!

I know this doesn't seem like much but it absolutely feels good to come home and just chill. I finally got to watch a movie I've been wanting to watch for a while: X-Men Wolverine! Great movie btw. Afterwards had fun times with my goofy roommate and gmail buddies. Tonight was such a good night! Ok pray for me though as I am back at tomorrow afternoon for the next two weeks. Let the fun times begin!! Yeah!!


Monday, January 25, 2010

2010 Resolutions?!

Tonight was one of those nights that I wanted to write something awe-inspiring and so deep, that you thought you was talking to John from revelation (you know, that "let me read that part again because it's so tight" type of writing). But when I got on to write, I ended up reading a blog of a few of my acquintances. After reading their blogs, I had so many thoughts about my life and wondered, why don't I speak to these individuals as much as I used to or even want? Is the desire even their?

With these thoughts in mind, it dawned on me that I've been meaning to share with you what I believe will be my 2010 "RESOLUTION". Let me first say, I hate resolutions. I believe it's a list that people make to make themselves feel better about not accomplishing the things they wanted to see happen last year. Most of the time they don't do it, so it's a waste of time and creates false expectations (I am all about efficiency). Please do not mistake this to mean I don't believe in planning. I like planning (alot) and if I had it my way, I would plan everything all the time. However, I know myself and I have limit my extravagent planning so that I can let the LORD come in and have HIS way.

This leads me to say what my real purpose and striving will be in 2010. My true aim in 2010 (and really for the rest of my life) is to become more transparent. I acutally prayed about this with a friend at life group last week but I really want this to happen more. There are a few people that I can open up and share my heart with and I am so grateful for those people in my life. However, I do notice that I put my heart on lock around others. And we are right to guard our hearts, using GODLY wisdom and building trust with those we want to grow deeper with. However, there is that element of openness that must be present. And there are elements that keep us from being open. I want to address those issues, move beyond offense or just misunderstanding and move to a place where I express my true heart at the time. This is a lot of work, but unlike a resolution, the long term results are worth it!

So this is my striving in 2010: that I will display a heart of grace with everyone I come in contact with, even if I am tempted to think the bad, looking beyond my what I see and believe that their is good and find it. And if I can't see the good, moving to a place with people where my perceptions can be confronted with reality. In short, I want to move to a place of maintaining who I am as a person but truly loving and opening and sharing my heart with people, just because I love people and just because this is how JESUS loves me!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's been a long time!

Hey Guys! It's been a long time since I've written anything. But don't worry, I've got much to say. First off, GOD has really been doing so much in my life. There were times that I wanted to write but I just didn't have the confidence or didn't really know if what I wrote one day would be my situation the next. One thing I have learned though is that while my situations may change, and things may look dim, GOD plans and purposes always prevail as I remain faithful in those harvest times and the unpleasant or comfortable ones.

One story I do want to share and I believe this is from the Heart of GOD for HIS children, is about this song I was listening to. On a Saturday afternoon, I was home and I wanted to clean the dishes and fix up the living room. Somethings just needed a fine cleaning and that day I was in the mode to do it. So I was listening to one of my Worship mixed CD's while I was in the kitchen washing the dishes. Then, I looked at the living room and said to myself, I need some fast songs to get me through this one. I felt so unmotivated and overwhelmed because I knew it would take alot of my energy. So I decided to put in CeCe Winans CD Alabastor Box and boy, I got so much energy. I was dusting and cleaning tables! I was so excited. Then I came this song: Blessed, Broken and Given. This song describes JESUS (disguised) as he walks with two men (they were nameless) on the Road to Emmaus. These two men were so troubled that JESUS was crucified and didn't understand how someone so wonderful, so giving, so full of life could die the death of a sinner. JESUS just walked with them and listened to them. Then He began to give them the word to help them understand who JESUS really was. Then he had communion with them. It was when he blessed the bread that their eyes were enlightened that HE was JESUS and HE was still alive. As I listened to the words of this song, the LORD gently spoke to my heart and said, this is where I want you to be. And I thought about it and said yes LORD. Let me be that one that one that will walk with people in their confusion, misunderstandings about GOD, hurt and maybe even the betrayal they may have or think they have experienced. Let me give them your WORD to your people and let me not be afraid to go to that place of communion. Let there eyes be opened to your love oh LORD! I can say that GOD is faithful and has allowed this to happen for HIS GLORY!

I pray the same for all of us. That we will say yes to going all the way with GOD and loving what HE loves... HIS hurt and broken people who HE wants to heal and bring into relationship with HIM. I pray for humility to come into our lives to not have all the answers but just be there for people. I pray that we will be used to pour HIS love in the lives of others and I pray that as we are used to heal others, we allow others to be used to bring healing to us!

Love ya!