Friday, October 16, 2009

To Be in HIS Presence

I am learning that it is easy to be in a daze and go through life just letting the days go by. Today, I honestly must admit, is one of those days. I woke up feeling tired and really didn't feel like doing anything. And part of that is justified as I am extremely busy and am longing for more rest, oh and that flu thing is going around and I felt some of the symptoms. In all the thoughts of me being tired, of wondering if I was coming down with the flu and the myriad of concerns that go through my mind throughout the day, I came to the realization:
"GOD, where are you in my situation? What are you saying to me today?" After I asked that question, I felt the peace of GOD and the LORD beconking me to come and rest in HIM. I really honestly feel a lot better and above all, I heard HIM speak forth HIS thoughts for me today.

Before this encounter with GOD, I was going to chalk today up to being a bad day. But it is not, and from now on, I know that it doesn't have to be. GOD fashioned all of our days to be in HIS presence and from there, to live out our lives. When life seems overwhelming or we are tired, mentally and/or physically, we can enter into the rest of the Father (its good ya'll) and he will comfort us with HIS care and HIS love for us and our concerns. This is just a little nugget to encourage you and me to allow everyday to be a good day in HIS presence!


1 comment:

  1. That's great. :) I love it. I had a similar moment today. I was like, "It's raining outside, I'm not feeling this, blah, blah, blah." And then, when I got to campus I just looked up and started smiling and laughing because nature was so beautiful. God's creation (e.g. the trees, the light [not heavy] drizzle of the rain, and people taking pictures of nature) invigorated me. :) Nice blog.

