Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quite Simple

What's up! OOOH! I got some great news to share with you since the last time I blogged... I graduated!! No for real, I have been in this program since 2005 and on Saturday, May 8th at 2:30pm at IU Alumni Hall I graduated from SPEA's Master of Public Affairs Program! Can you tell I am excited?!

Today I asked JESUS two simple questions:

1st question: JESUS do you have all of my answers? His answer: No response, no response because I didn't know if he really could have all of my answers.

2nd question: JESUS, do you have all the answers? His answer: Yes.

So I started thinking, JESUS has all of the answers, what does that mean? Or more importantly, what does that mean to me? Then I started thinking about things that I needed answers to and I placed the thought that JESUS has all the answers in those deep ponderings in my heart and then HE answered the 1st question. He said: I AM!

I was like wow, GOD, you are the I AM in my life? It just hit me, everything I need HE is!

He is so faithful and he does answer before we call. When our ways please the LORD, he makes even our enemies to be at peace with us! He is faithful!
